one community | one voice | one place
The School Quality Surveys are distributed and analyzed annually by the Hawaii Department of Education to Hawaii’s scholars at the elementary, middle and high-school levels. The assessments measure various data points, including perceived safety, well-being, school satisfaction, and student engagement. Here are the results for a few schools in the Ewa Plain.
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Aloha Friends and Family… This past week, John H. Clark III and his daughter had the privilege of representing the Ewa Beach community (and the residents of Hawaii) when he and his daughter, a freshman at James Campbell High School, spoke in support of House Bill 745. Below are the following:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JOHN CLARK'S DAUGHTER’S TESTIMONY: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Good afternoon. I am a Freshman at James Campbell High School. This past weekend, my school, James Campbell, “hosted” a track meet at Mililani High School. Imagine that: our facilities are so… bad… that we have host a track meet at another school. That’s not the worst part… I was supposed to be in three races this weekend. In my first race… As I got into the starting blocks, the judge said, “On your mark! Get set!” and then POW! POW! I heard the double-POP of the starter pistol. Of course, all of the runners went back to the starting line to see what happened. The administrator came directly to me and said, “Lane 6, you’re disqualified. You had your fingers on the white line.” At first, I was shocked; and then I was mad. I was disqualified… in my first race of the season because… guess what!? We don’t even HAVE lines on the dirt cinder track at James Campbell High School. We don’t PRACTICE with white lines on our track. In fact… It’s pretty much the exact same track that was there when our school was built in 1962. They say you’re supposed to “practice like you play.” At James Campbell High School, where my closest three thousand friends and I go every day, we practice on a dirt track; we use dilapidated locker rooms; and our star athletes play on a football field that was built in 1962. With potential funding from sponsors and other possible advertisement, imagine the facilities we could have. Please vote YES on the future of the students in Ewa Beach, Hawaii. Please vote YES on House Bill 745. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JOHN CLARK'S TESTIMONY: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Good afternoon Chairperson Luke and legislators… As the Vice Chairperson and Education Chairperson of the Ewa Neighborhood Board, I stand before you as a representative of a community that has transformed in size and scope over the last 15-20 years. In its $2B budget request, the DoE has said that it’s CIP requests “must be critical and sustainable.” In this growing economy, perhaps we should not rely solely on traditional funding streams to raise money to upgrade our schools and the infrastructure on which they are built. Your constituents would like to believe that our legislators and the Department of Education are doing what they can with what they have. But times have changed, and we need new, creative funding models. In Ewa Beach – and other areas across the state - House Bill 745 could facilitate the influx of a substantial amount of sustainable funds. Additionally, the DoE has stated that its mission is to serve our community by developing the academic achievement, character, and social-emotional well-being of our students to the fullest potential. Imagine growing up at the literally the largest public school in the state of Hawaii… with the dilapidated conditions… and visiting other high schools with state-of-the art facilities… imagine what that does the athletic achievement, character, and social-emotional well-being of our students… The number of people living in the Ewa Plain has exploded over the past decade… and, we KNOW that continued investment in our schools is something that is REQUIRED; it’s a need, not a want. We support House Bill 745, specifically and especially for advertising at outdoor sports stadiums, arenas, and fields. I am confident that all kinds of corporations would LOVE to get their brand name in front of not just the 185,000 students in the Hawaii Department of Education… but also the thousands of parents who attend every single sporting event. As a community, I believe Ewa Beach supports the passage of House Bill 745. Thank you. ~ John H. Clark III ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ STATUS OF THE BILL: As of Sunday, March 3, 2019, the Bill passed Third Reading with Representative(s) Okimoto voting aye with reservations; Representative Perruso voting no (1) and Representative(s) DeCoite excused (1). Transmitted to Senate. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INFORMATION ON THE LONE HOUSE MEMBER WHO VOTED AGAINST THE BILL, REPRESENTATIVE AMY A. PERRUSO: ~ ~ ~ Representative Perruso currently serves in House District 46. Her address is located at the Hawaii State Capitol, in Room 303. Her phone number is 808-586-6700. Her fax number is 808-586-6702. Her e-mail address is [email protected] I am not sure why she would vote against a Bill that could potentially add millions of dollars to the efforts to improve our state’s schools. Representative Perruso previously served as Secretary-Treasurer of the Hawai'i State Teachers Association. She was also a member of Gov. David Ige's Every Student Succeeds Act Team, which crafted a blueprint for the future of Hawai'i's public schools. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Here is a quick synopsis of the verbiage of the Bill: SECTION 1. The legislature finds that as the cost of education has increased, schools and government have increasingly salt alternative sources of funding. Many schools and school districts throughout the United States and the world have allowed schools to accept private contributions to lessen the burden on taxpayers. The legislature further finds that one common method of obtaining funding for schools is by authorizing schools to accept donations in exchange for the naming rights of something as large as a field or a building to something as small as a shelf in the library. The purpose of this act is to authorize this department of education schools, subject to approval by the superintendent, to accept donations in exchange for sponsorship naming rights. SECTION 2. Chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to part VI, subpart A, to be appropriately designated and to read as follows: 302A - Sponsorship naming rights. (a) Notwithstanding Section 102-2, each school, subject to approval of the superintendent, may accept donations in exchange for the sponsorship naming rights of any school building, facility, equipment, or fixture. (b) There is established within the state treasury a special fund to be known as the school naming-rights special fund. The special fund shall be administered by the department and appropriate sub accounts shall be established for each school. All monies collected pursuant to subsection a shall be deposited into the corresponding school sub account and she'll be expended solely for the benefit of that school. (c) The department shall submit a report to the legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening of each regular session that shall include all donations accepted pursuant to subsection (a) during the previous fiscal year, all naming-rights awarded purse went to subsection a during the previous fiscal year, and the amount of moneys in the special fund established purse went to subsection be at the end of the previous fiscal year. (d) The department shall adopt rules purse went to chapter 91 to carry out the purpose of this section. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EXACT verbiage of the Bill can be found at this link: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Purpose of the Program
The goal of this program is to provide gainful summer employment for college students. It utilizes and helps develop college students' abilities and acquaints them with the City as an employer. The student is responsible for all expenses, including housing. Opportunities Available The Student Aide II (Recreation) works at $12 per hour, and the Student Aide III (Recreation) works at $14 per hour in the Department of Parks and Recreation's Summer Fun, and Teen programs. Contract hours vary up to 328 hours in an 8 week period. Requirements You must: 1. Have successfully completed at least one year of college (24 credits) by June 2018, and intend to continue toward an associate, bachelor's or graduate degree to qualify for Student Aide II and III. 2. Be currently enrolled in college at least half-time, or intend to register in Fall 2018. 3. Be a citizen, national or permanent resident alien of the United States or non-citizen authorized under federal law to work in the U.S. To meet the requirements of the Federal Immigration Reform Act of 1986, all persons selected must provide original documents to verify identity and employment eligibility before starting work. 4. Have satisfactorily performed work as a Student Aide II (Recreation) for the Department of Parks and Recreation, City and County of Honolulu, to qualify for Student Aide III (Recreation). 5. Have a valid First Aid Certificate (not required at the time of application, but must be obtained by the first day of employment, valid through the period of employment). The following are brief descriptions of the types of jobs you may be assigned as a Summer Aide in the Department of Parks and Recreation. We hope that this will give you a better understanding of what summer work entails and assist you in accurately completing your application. Student Aide II - Recreation, works at $12 per hour Student Aide III - Recreation, works at $14 per hour Online Application Forms and Deadline You must file an application even if you participated in the program previously. Applications must be completed online. No hard copy applications will be accepted. If you have any questions, call 808-768-3020. Applications open December 14, 2017 and end June 16, 2018. CLICK HERE to APPLY: Will YOU help improve the athletic facilities at James Campbell High School?
When you are ready, send an e-mail or letter to the state's elected officials. Elected officials of Ewa Beach have sponsored several bills to request funding for capital improvement projects in support of JCHS athletic facilities. YOU CAN HELP! Use the verbiage below to send an email to key legislators. Their e-mail addresses are located at under the quoted verbiage. YOU CAN HELP! If not YOU... who? If not NOW... when? Alternatively, you can use THIS MICROSOFT WORD FILE or do both! = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = Aloha (insert lawmaker's name here): As a concerned citizen, voter, and member of the state-wide community, I am writing to request YOUR specific support of the following legislation: 1. HB 2439: capital improvement projects (CIP) for the 40th representative district 2. HB 2695: CIP for the benefit of the 41st representative district 3. SB 2954: CIP for the benefit of the 19th senatorial district James Campbell High School, with the highest student population in the state, is expected to continue increasing over the next several years. However, the school’s athletic facilities, which serve as an anchor point and gathering place for the Ewa Plain and the Central/Leeward Districts, are in desperate need of modernization and alignment with current law (Title IX). Accordingly, your support for the above legislation is essential to ensure responsible, sensible planning is in place for a long-awaited Sports and Fitness Facility from which the entire Ewa community can benefit. To be sure, Ewa Beach, its surrounding area residents, alumni, and their children have performed exceedingly well, despite the horrendous facilities at the school. For example, JCHS is overwhelming proud of its three-time Softball State Champions, Baseball State Champions, Track and Field State Champions, and many other sports-related accolades. Going forward, your SPECIFIC leadership and duty to public service is needed now more than ever. Please vote in favor of the above legislation that will help move James Campbell High School and the community it supports to a “playing field” that is equal to the facilities at other high schools throughout the state. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your Name Here] = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = If you decide to send an e-mail, please be courteous... and please ask your friends, family, and frenemies ACROSS THE STATE to send an e-mail, too. We need the support of people OUTSIDE of the James Campbell Complex Area. Here are the e-mail addresses for a few key legislators: Senate President Ronald Kouchi [email protected] Senate WAM Chair Donovan Dela Cruz [email protected] Senate WAM Vice-Chair/ CIP Lead Gilbert Keith-Agaran [email protected] House Finance Chair Sylvia Luke [email protected] House CIP Lead Kyle Yamashita [email protected] Will YOU help improve the athletic facilities at James Campbell High School? When you are ready, send an e-mail or letter to the state's elected officials. Elected officials of Ewa Beach have sponsored several bills to request funding for capital improvement projects in support of JCHS athletic facilities. YOU CAN HELP! Use the verbiage below to send an email to key legislators. Their e-mail addresses are located at under the quoted verbiage. YOU CAN HELP! If not YOU... who? If not NOW... when? Alternatively, you can use THIS MICROSOFT WORD FILE or do both! = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = Aloha (insert lawmaker's name here): As a concerned citizen, voter, and member of the state-wide community, I am writing to request YOUR specific support of the following legislation: 1. HB 2439: capital improvement projects (CIP) for the 40th representative district 2. HB 2695: CIP for the benefit of the 41st representative district 3. SB 2954: CIP for the benefit of the 19th senatorial district James Campbell High School, with the highest student population in the state, is expected to continue increasing over the next several years. However, the school’s athletic facilities, which serve as an anchor point and gathering place for the Ewa Plain and the Central/Leeward Districts, are in desperate need of modernization and alignment with current law (Title IX). Accordingly, your support for the above legislation is essential to ensure responsible, sensible planning is in place for a long-awaited Sports and Fitness Facility from which the entire Ewa community can benefit. To be sure, Ewa Beach, its surrounding area residents, alumni, and their children have performed exceedingly well, despite the horrendous facilities at the school. For example, JCHS is overwhelming proud of its three-time Softball State Champions, Baseball State Champions, Track and Field State Champions, and many other sports-related accolades. Going forward, your SPECIFIC leadership and duty to public service is needed now more than ever. Please vote in favor of the above legislation that will help move James Campbell High School and the community it supports to a “playing field” that is equal to the facilities at other high schools throughout the state. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Your Name Here = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = If you decide to send an e-mail, please be courteous... and please ask your friends, family, and frenemies ACROSS THE STATE to send an e-mail, too. We need the support of people OUTSIDE of the James Campbell Complex Area. Here are the e-mail addresses for a few key legislators: Senate President Ronald Kouchi [email protected] Senate WAM Chair Donovan Dela Cruz [email protected] Senate WAM Vice-Chair/ CIP Lead Gilbert Keith-Agaran [email protected] House Finance Chair Sylvia Luke [email protected] House CIP Lead Kyle Yamashita [email protected] Mr. Guy Leopard recently documented the condition of the facilities at James Campbell High School in Ewa Beach. Guy’s presentation has been presented to the Ewa Beach Neighborhood Board, as well as to all elected officials in Ewa. It's time to change the audience. Please share this information with ALL of Hawaii's elected officials (not just the elected officials representing Ewa Beach and the Campbell Complex). Mr. Leopard’s presentation highlights not only the current condition of James Campbell High School, but also the vast disparity that exists between other (smaller) Hawaii schools and James Campbell High School, which is, by far, the largest high school in Hawaii. Some have said the current conditions are shocking. Others have said the conditions are “not fair.” Honolulu Civil Beat said, "Teeming with close to 3,200 students as the state's largest public school, Campbell High hasn't had a girls' athletic locker room since it opened in 1962." Wow! But the story doesn't end there... check out the presentation below. When you are ready, use THIS ATTACHED FILE to send a letter to ALL elected officials. Be sure to send in your comments below... (please be courteous; we'd like to share your comments with our legislators): Schools within the Campbell Complex include:
Keep in mind… James Campbell High School is, by far, the largest high school in the state of Hawaii. In fact, according to Mr. Leopard, JCHS has over 3,000 students… well over the 2,600 students at Kapolei High School and 2,500 at Mililani. Yet, funding for bringing the facilities to an acceptable condition seems elusive. What are your thoughts? Remember: When you are ready, use THIS ATTACHED FILE to send a letter to ALL elected officials. . |
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